Lookout Valley High School Football
Head Coach: Joshua Payne
Contact: [email protected], 423-825-7352, ext.51535
Bio: This is my 5th season as HC at LVHS Football. I am also the school Athletic Director and HS Head Baseball Coach.
Sports Calendar: Football Season is basically year round as far as commitment with regards to weight training and conditioning. We start Off-Season workouts in January before school at 6:00am, We have Spring Football Practice the last 2 weeks of the School year. We then move into our summer schedule of Tuesday-Thursday from 8-11am for workouts/practice, in July we transition to 4 days a week same time Monday-Thursday until we are allowed to put on full pads. Once we get to full pads and official practice without restrictions we practice from 3-5:30 until school starts. In the Game Season we practice 2:45-5:00 Monday-Wednesday and 2:45-4:00 on Thursday with Games every Friday night. Football is a big commitment but you get big value for the rest of your student athletes lives. They will learn hard work, commitment, perseverance, discipline, teamwork, and many other valuable skills they will need in life.
Parent Communication via Game Changer App: Lookout Valley Varsity Yellow Jackets Fall 2023
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